
Showing posts from July, 2022

Top 10 Trending Agriculture Technology In The World

1. Drones in agriculture:  Drones are being used in agriculture for tasks such as crop mapping, field monitoring and spraying crops with pesticides. 2. Precision agriculture:  Also known as satellite farming or site-specific crop management, precision agriculture is a farming management concept that uses technology to increase productivity and efficiency while reducing inputs costs. 3. Agricultural robots:  Agricultural robots are becoming increasingly popular, with some estimates suggesting that the market could be worth $16 billion by 2025 . Robots can be used for tasks such as picking fruits and vegetables, herding livestock and even mowing lawns. 4. Livestock tracking:  Tracking technologies are being used to track livestock, so that farmers know their whereabouts at all times. This can help with things like rounding up strays and keeping an eye on the health of the herd. 5. Vertical farming:  Vertical farming is a type of agriculture where crops are grown i...